Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

My question to everyone this week is what do Brian Williams and Rachel Dolezal have in common?  Answer: They are both people with high profile jobs that just couldn't stop themselves from being pathological liars!!  Now Brian Williams has gone from the top of the news food chain to the Breaking News desk at MSNBC.  Rachel is now doing every low life talk show trying to explain her “trans-racial” behavior.  Just for the record she made that up too as there is no such thing as “trans-racial”…. The woman needs to stop talking.  I feel bad for her parents and I am so glad that they spoke up and outed Rachel as a lily white girl running a chapter of the NAACP. Hey Rachel it is the Advancement of Colored People not White Girls Playing Black or the WGPB!! Both Brian and Rachel tried to make their lives more interesting by lying about who they were and what they had done. 

 All of this comes to light at a very interesting time as Ramadan started this week.  Being a good Christian boy I did want to take some time to acknowledge this month long holiday as well as the spirit in which it is celebrated. Ramadan is believed to be the holiest month of the year within Islam, and the month in which the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. In this month, the gates to heaven are believed to be open and the gates to hell closed. Muslims are instructed to fast in the Surat Al-Baqarah, the second and longest chapter of the Quran.  How do I know all of this?  Well my best friend is Muslim and she is the closest thing to perfect that I have ever met, so there must be something to being a good Muslim. Until July 17 Muslims participating in Ramadan cannot eat or drink from sunrise until sundown.  This is a time of introspection and self actualization for all Muslims regardless of whether or not you fast.  We all can learn a lot from the Muslim traditions of prayer and introspection followed during Ramadan.  It is a spiritually rewarding experience for the Muslims of world.  I hope that Brian Williams and Rachel Dolezal take some time to reflect on how their actions changed not only their lives but the lives of others around them.  Lying is so unnecessary you always get caught and even if people don't come out and confront you directly they know you are lying so you are only lying to yourself. 

 Let’s take golf for example.  I have a good friend that always said if you want to know the true character of man take him out on the golf course and all will be revealed.  I am sure by the time you finished playing golf with Brian and Rachel they would have you convinced they should be on the PGA tour.  I have played a lot of golf with a lot of different people and for the most part 95% of the people I have played with are honest about their score.  But we all know that one guy who says he shot a 5 but it was closer to an 8!  We all want to play better or be a better person so play it as it lies and don't be that guy.  When I started playing golf I learned very quickly that an 8 is an 8 no matter how you look at it.  So maybe next time that 8 will be a 6 or 5 because as in life it is all about improving whether it’s on the golf course or in your everyday life. Let your true character be revealed and if you shot it write it down and if you're white you are white.