Beggars Tomb Take 1

Welcome to Beggars Tomb! The inspiration for this blog like most things I do just came to me. This blog is not some drawn out sales pitch on H&A Warehousing & Logistics but it is the fun side of what I do for the company. The world has become in my opinion too “PC” and this is my attempt at giving you some insight into H&A.  Since this is Beggars Tomb first blog maybe a little background on the Emery Brothers and H&A would be in order, just to give you a bit of context.


H&A Warehousing & Logistics is something that my brother Bob and I started initially as a helping hand to a small company out of Israel! This company needed a way to get their less than container load orders into the stores here in the states.  After a while Bob and I realized that this business model made a lot of sense. With H&A having the tools and the warehouse facility we know we could help a lot of other companies get their products into the US Market.  Our import company Better Bath / Better Sleep Inc have used 3rd party warehouses for years on both coasts and we hated the impersonal and expensive services that we received.  So when we started H&A we wanted to be different and Bob actually came up with the company tag line “We Treat Your Products like They Were Ours”. That is the corner stone of what we do and it happens to be true.  We also realized that we could put our 30 years of importing experience to good use and at the same time help other companies grow.  Just before I started writing this blog I had sent a birthday note to an old friend, who happens to be a huge “dead head”. Then out of know where the Grateful Dead song Uncle John’s Band popped into my head, it was like Jess was channeling me the title to this blog.  Thanks Jess you always were a great inspiration to me.  Beggars Tomb just seems like the kind of place you would want to come and hang out in.


Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more,
Cause when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door.


Starting H&A has been anything but “easy street” so I guess I am safe from danger at my door. But it has been a labor of love and we have enjoyed working with all of our new clients.  One of our first clients in 2015 is a factory from Turkey they have a great line of product but didn’t have the resources to start distribution in the states.  We were able to put them in touch with a high end sales company to get their product market evaluated. Once the sales team felt that their product was “US ready” then we started working on getting them setup with the right order receipt software to match their customers.  H&A has all the order and distro software you will need already installed on our servers, we simple tailor each client to their customer’s specifications.  Each retailer in the US has their own procedures and specification and making sure you are setup correctly to meet those specifications is frankly an art.  Getting a client setup whether it’s an overseas based company or a home grown US operation is one of the things we do best. 


I live in a silver mine and I call it beggar's tomb;


So Beggars Tomb it is cuz I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.